  • 安徽雪锐龙冷链设备有限公司
  • 手机:18101353787
  • 地址:安徽省安庆市大观区近圣街27栋
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时间:2018-06-23 14:50 作者:admin





  Everyone knows what the cooked food cabinet is for, but many people do not know what its characteristics are.

  Snow sharp dragon cooked food cabinet has a lot of features, it uses LED lighting design, better waterproof performance, more energy saving, more efficient air conditioning compressor unit, fast cooling, low noise, safety, stability, and the use of asymmetrical eddy current cooked food cabinet design, super large evaporation area copper tube, external balance expansion valve Adjustment, fast cooling, fresh display effect, more important is that it uses the precise microcomputer control cabinet mild cabinet temperature, the error is smaller, the temperature in the cabinet is clear, and only the cooked food cabinet such as the cooked cabinet will take such a good temperature control setting.

  And the side board of the cupboard cabinet uses hollow steel glass design, high efficiency anti fogging, further enhance the display effect in the cabinet; its multi-functional shelf can be combined freely, the front side is built with energy-saving lamps, adjustable up and down, and the best display effect is presented according to the display items; and streamlined metal border is inlaid. It is a perfect combination of sprayed zinc plate and pull out night curtain, so that the price of the cooked food cupboard can be greatly improved. It is not only beautiful, durable, but also energy-saving and electricity saving. These make the cabinet of the cooked food cabinet more practical and helpful to us.

 温馨提示:以上文章来源于雪锐龙冷链设备厂家,专业产销便利店熟食柜、熟食柜、保鲜柜、冷藏熟食柜、冰柜、熟食柜、等多种系列,提供各种冰柜价格、医用冰柜、熟食柜、便利店冰柜,工业、酒店、蛋糕房、不锈钢等等系、冷库、制冰机列冰柜,详情请登陆企业官网:http://www.bjxrldq.com/ 欢迎来电咨询:400-902-3221



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